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Brief answer:
PROOF that God does Exist
God is
(a) Necessary Being,
(b) First-Cause,
(c) Volitional Cause, and therefore
(d) MIND, that
(e) created ALL of Contingent Reality,
(f) including Physical Reality.
Deductive Logical-Proof for God.
Inductive-EVIDENCE & Logical-PROOF that God exists.
The existence of God is a LOGICAL conclusion.
Materialism is FALSIFIED.
Physicalism is FALSIFIED.
PROOF of free-will.
Free-Will FALSIFIES Materialism.
Free-Will FALSIFIES Atheism.
Evidence for the Supernatural.
PROOF of God (LOGIC and Evidence).
Questions & Answers
Does God's Omniscience contradict Free-will?
If Theistic-compatibilism and/or neo-Molinism is true, then God knows you so well that he can foreknow your choices. God knows what you will freely choose. So there is no contradiction between God's Omniscience and your free-will.
And God's Omniscience does not contradict his free-will. God knows himself so well that he knows what he is going to do.
E.g., I know that I am going to wear a Blue shirt to work Monday, because that is what I have decided (used my free-will to decide) to wear. So, I use my free-will to choose, and I know what I am going to do. SO I know what I am going to do BECAUSE that is what I have decided to do. So, there is no contradiction between my "omniscience" (in this case) and my free-will. Same thing with God.
Regarding free-will I lean towards theistic-incompatibilism.
Given theistic-incompatibilism, and given the reality of free-will, then determinism is unlikely to be true.
So, if determinism is FALSE, is omniscience necessarily false? The answer is not necessarily so.
It is a FALLACY that Omniscience requires Deterministic Knowledge.
I.e., It is logically possible that Absolute-Omniscience or Deterministic-Omniscience is Logically Incompatible with the existence of Free-will.
If that is correct, then we have a rational alternative that we can call "Logical Omniscience".
In Logical Omniscience, God determines some things absolutely by causing them to happen, and he permits other things to happen without determining them (to preserve free-will).
So, in Logical Omniscience God uses his FREE-WILL to limit his Deterministic Omniscience and to replace it with a combination of Deterministic Omniscience in some areas of reality and Probabilistic Knowledge in other areas of reality. By doing so, God can Logically preserve free-will in the universe.
This free-will choice by God then preserves free-will for his creation, including us.
"Omniscience, like omnipotence, has natural, logical limits." (Gary Hitch)
Who created God?
Who created God?
God Exists. He exists Logically and Necessarily. This is a Deductive Conclusion.
God is Logically and Necessarily (a) First-Cause, (b) Necessary-Being, (c) Volitional-Cause, (d) MIND, (e) always-existent non-created being that was NOT created by anyone or anything else, and (f) the cause that created all of contingent reality including physical reality.
For more details, see Who created God?
Who created God?
T1. God Exists. He exists Logically and Necessarily. This is a Deductive Conclusion.
T2. God is Logically and Necessarily (a) First-Cause, (b) Necessary-Being, (c) Volitional-Cause, (d) MIND, (e) always-existent non-created being that was NOT created by anyone or anything else, and (f) the cause that created all of contingent reality including physical reality.
P1. An infinite-regress is impossible. Therefore (given that anything exists; cogito ergo sum), there must be a First-Cause.
P2. An infinite contingent-regress is impossible. Therefore, there must be a Necessary Being.
P3. The action of the first-cause cannot be externally-triggered by a pre-existing external trigger (since there is nothing that pre-exists the first-cause). Therefore, the first-cause cannot be a deterministic or probabilistic cause (since both deterministic and probabilistic causes, by their very nature, are externally triggered by pre-existing external triggers).
P4. The action of the first-cause cannot be governed by, or caused by, a pre-existing external natural-law. Therefore, the first-cause cannot be a deterministic or probabilistic cause (since both of those types of causes are, by their very nature, governed by, or caused by, an external natural-law).
P5. The action of the first-cause must be internally triggered or internally caused based on the nature of the first cause (since there is no external trigger).
P6. The only kind of cause that is internally-triggered or internally-caused (based on its very nature) is a Volitional Cause.
P7. And the only kind of cause whose behavior is not governed by, or caused by, a pre-existing external natural-law is a Volitional Cause.
P8. Therefore, the First-Cause exists (p1) and is Necessary Being (p2) and is a Volitional Cause (p3-p7).
P9. Mind, by its very nature, by definition, is volitional. And, a volitional cause, by its very nature, and by definition is a Mind. I.e., there is no volitional cause that is NOT a mind. And there is No MIND that is not a volitional cause.
P10. Therefore, the First-Cause exists (p1) and is Necessary Being (p2) and is a Volitional Cause (p3-p7), and is a MIND (p8-p9).
P11. The First-Cause is the ultimate Cause (or creator) of all effects, including effects that can themselves be secondary derived causes. So, the first-cause is the ultimate cause of ALL of reality, all of contingent reality, including physical reality.
P12. Therefore, the First-Cause exists (p1), and is Necessary Being (p2), and is a Volitional Cause (p3-p7), and is a MIND (p8-p9), and is the ultimate cause or creator of ALL of contingent reality which includes physical reality.
P13. We define God = First-Cause, Necessary-Being, Volitional-Cause, MIND, that created all of contingent reality including physical reality.
P14. Therefore, God exists (p10-p11).
P15. The First-cause, by definition, and by logic, cannot have COME into existence. It must have always existed. Therefore, logically nobody created the first-cause.
P16. The Necessary-Being, by definition, and by logic, cannot have COME into existence. It must have always existed. Therefore, logically nobody created the necessary-being.
P17. Therefore, the First-Cause and Necessary-Being is necessarily always-existent non-created being that was NOT created by anyone or anything else.
P18. Therefore, God (first-cause and necessary being) is necessarily always-existent non-created being that was NOT created by anyone or anything else.
P19. Therefore, God exists, and God is (a) First-Cause, (b) Necessary-Being, (c) Volitional-Cause, (d) MIND, (e) always-existent non-created being that was NOT created by anyone or anything else, and (f) that created all of contingent reality including physical reality.
C1. God Exists. He exists Logically and Necessarily. This is a Deductive Conclusion.
C2. God is Logically and Necessarily (a) First-Cause, (b) Necessary-Being, (c) Volitional-Cause, (d) MIND, (e) always-existent non-created being that was NOT created by anyone or anything else, and (f) the cause that created all of contingent reality including physical reality.