Questions from Adults


What is the Trinity about?
[ EmQ-05070101, adapted from April G ]
Response by LB.

Does the New Testament teach that Jesus is God ?
[ EmQ-05070102, from April G ]
Response by LB.

Did Jesus claim to be God?
[ EmQ-05070103, from April G ]
Response by LB.

I’m learning how to pray. I get distracted a lot and it’s frustrating. Do you ever feel that way?
[ EmQ-05090301, from John U ]
Response by LG

Why does God give us free will?
[ EmQ-05090302, from John U ]
Response by LG

Why does God permit suffering in our lives?
[ EmQ-05090303, adapted from John U ]

Why does God watch some of us suffer and live in the shell of our egos?
[ EmQ-05090303, from John U ]

I see men who are in pain around me. Pain becomes comfort to these gentlemen? Why? Why does God allow this?
[ EmQ-05090304, from John U ]

You hear all the time that God is not a punishing God. I don’t understand.
[ EmQ-05090305, from John U ]

Who was Virishna and was Jesus modeled on Him?
[ Q-06031001, from Daniel Q ]

Who was Beddou and was Jesus modeled on Him?
[ Q-06031002, from Daniel Q ]

Who was Quexalcote-of-Mexico and was Jesus modeled on Him?
[ Q-06031003, from Daniel Q ]

Who was Sakia-of-India and was Jesus modeled on Him?
[ Q-06031004, from Daniel Q ]

Who was Salivahana and was Jesus modeled on Him?
[ Q-06031005, from Daniel Q ]

Who was Hesus-or-Eros of-the-Celtic-Druids and was Jesus modeled on Him?
[ Q-06031006, from Daniel Q ]

Who were Hil-and-Feta of-the-Mandaites and was Jesus modeled on them?
[ Q-06031007, from Daniel Q ]

Who was Mithra-of-Persia and was Jesus modeled on Him?
[ Q-06031008, from Daniel Q ]