Old-Earth Creationism
- Old-Earth Creationism
- Is a world-view based on the following concepts
- God exists.
- The universe was created about 14 billion years ago (by God).
- The physical constants and laws of this universe were fine-tuned by God to enable intelligent life to exist.
- The earth came into being about 4.5 billion years ago.
- This occurred via a process that was ultimately created by God.
- Micro-evolution is a Fact.
- Micro-evolution is adaptation of creatures to their environment.
- Such adaptation can result in low-level speciation.
- Examples of micro-evolution include
- industrial melanism in peppered moths (micro-evolution)
- beak-size changes in Finches (micro-evolution)
- mutant wings in fruit flies (micro-evolution)
- antibiotic resistance in bacteria (nano-evolution)
- mutational changes in viruses (pico-evolution)
- low-level speciation in gulls (milli-evolution)
- low-level speciation in horse genus (milli-evolution)
- breeding of varieties of dogs (micro-evolution)
- breeding of varieties of pigeons (micro-evolution)
- formation of different races among humans (micro-evolution)
- etc.
- In the proposed system above, micro-evolution is subdivided into
- pico-evolution
- nano-evolution
- micro-evolution
- milli-evolution
- Naturalistic (atheistic) Mega-evolution is not a Fact, but rather is a faith-based Naturalistic (Atheistic) Theory.
- Mega-evolution required intelligent design by God.
- Mega-evolution, as defined here, involves formation of completely new organs and completely new body-plans.
- Mega-evolution requires punctuational information input that is equal to or greater than the universal-information-constant (UIC).
- UIC is the information-content that corresponds to the universal-probability-bound (UPB).
- A reasonable estimate for the UPB is 10^-150.
- This results in a UIC of 500 bits of information.
- 10^-150 corresonds to about 498 bits; We round this up to 500.
- We are intentionally not using the term Macro-Evolution because the term has become confused with low-level speciation.
- Low-level speciation is not the same as formation of completly new body-plans and/or formation of completely new organs.
- There is a need for new scientific terms that capture these concepts.
- Here is a possible proposal...
- Neo-Phlyo-Poeisis = formation of completely new body-plans.
- Not to be confused with phylogenesis, because the term has been muddied in the scientific literature.
- Neo-Organo-Poeisis = formation of completely new functioning organs.
- God provided the information and immediate-process needed for Creation of First Life.
- God provided the information and immediate-process needed for creation of the various completly-new body-plans and completely-new organs of creatures.
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