- Church
- What is the church?
- Church is the collection of Christian believers (those who believe in, and have committed their lives to, Jesus Christ).
- Church is not the building, but rather the people.
- Why should Christians be involved in a Bible-believing church?
- So Christians can support and encourage one another.
- To help each other grow in the Faith.
- What is a Bible-believing church?
- A church that Believes that the Bible is from God;
- and that teaches and preaches from the Bible.
- Christian Denominations
- What is a Christian Denomination?
- A collection of Christian Churches that believe similarly, and that may or may not be associated under a unified leadership.
- What are a few examples of Christian Denominations?
- Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, Congregationalist
- Lutheran, Reformed, Brethren
- This list is not exhaustive.
- What are the origins, teachings and status of the major Christian Denominations?
- Click on the links below for a brief synopsis of the following
- Christianity ~30-100 AD
- Christianity, ~100 - 300 AD
- Roman Catholicism, ~600 AD
- Eastern Orthodox, ~1000 AD
- Reformation, ~1500 AD
- Lutheran, ~1500 AD
- Baptist, ~1500 AD
- Brethren, ~1500 AD
- Anglican, Episcopal ~1530 AD
- Presbyterian, ~1550 AD
- Reformed, ~1550 AD
- Methodist, ~1750 AD
- The Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, ~1800 AD
- Christian Church, ~1800 AD
- Disciples of Christ, ~1800 AD
- Adventist, ~ 1850 AD
- Seventh Day Adventist, ~1850 AD
- Church of God, ~1900 AD
- Church of the Nazarene, ~1900 AD
- Pentecostal, ~1900 AD