Quotes from Nobel Prize Winners
This page provides links to a series of quotes (about God & Science) from various Nobel Prize winning Scientists.
1. | Albert Einstein | Nobel Prize In Physics 1921 | 2. | William Phillips | Nobel Prize In Physics 1997 | 3. | Arthur Schawlow | Nobel Prize In Physics 1981 | 4. | Arno Penzias | Nobel Prize In Physics 1978 | 5. | Nevill Mott | Nobel Prize In Physics 1977 | 6. | Antony Hewish | Nobel Prize In Physics 1974 | 7. | Charles Townes | Nobel Prize In Physics 1964 | 8. | Werner Heisenberg | Nobel Prize In Physics 1932 | 9. | Arthur Compton | Nobel Prize In Physics 1927 | 10. | Alexis Carrel | Nobel Prize In Medicine And Physiology 1912 | 11. | Guglielmo Marconi | Nobel Prize In Physics 1909 | 12. | Walter Kohn | Nobel Prize In Chemistry 1998 | 13. | Richard Smalley | Nobel Prize In Chemistry 1996 | 14. | Joseph Murray | Nobel Prize In Medicine And Physiology 1990 | 15. | Christian Anfinsen | Nobel Prize In Chemistry 1972 | 16. | George Wald | Nobel Prize In Medicine And Physiology 1967 | 17. | Derek Barton | Nobel Prize In Chemistry 1969 | 18. | John Eccles | Nobel Prize In Medicine And Physiology 1963 | 19. | Ernst Chain | Nobel Prize In Medicine And Physiology 1945 | 20. | Isidor Isaac Rabi | Nobel Prize In Physics 1944 | 21. | Erwin Schroedinger | Nobel Prize In Physics 1933 | 22. | Robert Millikan | Nobel Prize In Physics 1923 | 23. | Max Planck | Nobel Prize In Physics 1918 | 24. | William H Bragg | Nobel Prize In Physics 1915 | 25. | Ronald Ross | Nobel Prize In Medicine And Physiology 1902 |
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